Thursday, December 9, 2010

NSSA to invest US$22m in Beitbridge hotel project

Beitbridge Bureau Chief

The National Social Security Authority has set aside US$22 million for the construction of a 140-roomed three-star hotel here, an official has said.

In an interview in yesterday, NSSA public relations manager, Ms Agatha Kubvaruno, said civil works were at an advanced stage.

She said they expected the project to be completed in 15 months.

The project is being implemented under the Government’s National Economic Development Priority Programme that was introduced in 2006.

"The work generally comprises the construction of a three star hotel in Beitbridge. A total of US$22 million has been budgeted for the project.

"The proposed development involves the construction of a double storey hotel, main administration building, three blocks of hotel rooms accommodating a total of 140 hotel rooms including maintenance workshop, guardhouse and boundary wall.

"On completion of the project, Beitbridge town will have a state of the art three star hotel to be operated by RTG.

"This is indeed a major achievement for the town.

"During construction, a number of locals will be employed. Similarly, on completion permanent and casual staff will be employed to work at the hotel.

She said NSSA’s thrust was to create employment as well as develop the country.

"Bulk earth works have since been completed and this is the platform on which the hotel building will be erected.

"We also expect to carry out some more civil works including the road network, drainage, water and sewerage (onsite infrastructure) to commence early next year," she added.

Ms Kubvaruno said the project was likely to be delayed by the late connection of power supplies by Zesa, the rock outcrop on the construction site and the supply of materials.

published by; The Herald 09 December 2010

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